Thursday 5 March 2015

All Hail the drag!

So after stumbling across Ru Pauls Drag race on Netflix recently I was hooked and couldn't pull myself away! I managed to watch 6 seasons in 2 weeks BAM! It has really opened my eyes to how hard it is for some people to be themselves and the crap they have to go through to be themselves....but I am so glad that it is now more acceptable in society for them.

I believe that you can learn a lot from drag queens specially when it comes to make up as theirs is most of the time FLAWLESS!! some of the tips are :
1-Don't look at make up as hiding flaws its meant to accentuate you best feature be FIERCE!
2-BLEND if not you can look a hot mess so Invest in the right tools....they will be your saviour!
3- Moisturize that thirsty skin! get into the habit of moisturising everyday the worst thing you can do is apply make up to dry skin! keep that canvas soft an hydrated. Even drinking plenty of water everyday will help.
4-Lining your eyes with white along the water line or dabbing shimmer in the corner instantly opens the eyes up making them look bigger and giving an appearance of being more awake.
5- Give the illusion of a plumper pout by applying a lighter lipstick onto the centre of the lips and blending outwards then seal with your favourite lip gloss ( This is my favourite tip)

Here's just a few of my favourite drag queens and why!

JUJUBEE. I absolutely loved jujube not only was she absolutely beautiful be she could also have a laugh. I was gutted that she didn't win was definitely my favourite and her make up was always so flawless and just to die for!

RAJA. the winner of season 3! there was just something that was different about her and I loved it. so quirky and always thought outside the box. She is stunning and would always look beautiful no matter how crazy her make up was. 

SHARON NEEDLES & ALASKA- They were the power couple but in 2013 they split up :( which was sad. I was routing for them both to win and Sharon did although Alaska came runner up. Sharon had a very strange style of drag and I didn't know what to think when I first saw her but she grew on me when she did the plastic surgery outfit was just brilliant. Alaska is just stunning honestly I don't know what to say because nothing will give her the justice she deserves. She proved that she was herself and could make a name for herself and not be known as sharons partner!!

ADORE DELANO- I love adore and would dieeeeee to look like her. I love her fashion sense its so fierce even though she might not have had the most expensive outfits she always looked Amazing! And her make up was always on point! She knows exactly how to accentuate the best features and oh my shes just sooo pretty!

So I think we can all say I am sooo jealous of all of these, but I'm going to use them as inspiration and try out different make up ideas inspired by all of these drag queens.i have a week off coming up and I cant wait to play around with my make up and see what happens. But I would highly recommend anyone who hasn't seen or heard of any of these to check them out!

Lots of love


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