Friday 13 March 2015

Vita Liberata


OMG I've been hearing such amazing things about this tan by passengers from all over the world and of all different ages so I thought I might try it. After doing some research into it it made me very excited as there was no negative feedback so I bit the bullet and brought it from boots seeing as it was on offer for £15. Everyone lovessss a discount!!
It arrived within a couple of days perfect I could try it for new year! Absolutely buzzing after reading it was odourless as I'm not a great fan of the biscuit smell. I got home and literally could not wait hopped in the shower and exfoliated again just to make sure I was prepared. I followed the easy to read and follow instructions and didn't moisturise got my mitt on went for it.
The application was smooth and went on well but I noticed if there was too much product it would make funny effect as though it was clogging together...... It's the only way I can explain that. The tint was perfect as it was just dark enough that you could see where you were applying as I have had tans in the past where the tint wasn't dark enough and I came out looking like a tiger. As for being odourless well what can I say. I was so disappointed as after about 20 mins of having the tan on I smelt like a biscuit..... It got noticeably stronger as the tan developed.
I left it on for about 12 hours as I really wanted to be dark.It looked to me the perfect colour,nice and brown just like I wanted.....until I jumped in the shower! I came out considerably lighter which was a shame but at least I know next time to apply another coat after I have showered.
I unfortunately suffer really bad open pores on my chest, most tans will sit in them leaving me really self conscious. I would find myself wearing high necked tops which completely defeated the object of tanning in the first place, It was wasted time I'd never get back. Halllleloooo I have finally found one that doesn't meaning I can tan and actually wear a low cut top without having to be worried or self conscious. It also wasn't streaky and didn't go patchy! And my knees and elbows were the same colour as everything else Praise the Lord!The tan lasted about 5 days before it started to come off which isn't too bad but the downfall is my legs and arms have become patchy as it comes off. But with daily showers and exfoliating I won't be like this for long.

I know I might have sounded a little negative but I had extremely high expectations as everyone has praised this so highly. Since New years and me first writing this blog I have tried this product a few more times and each time, I begin to like it more and more. The biscuit smell hasn't been as horrendous as that first time thank god. The last time I used this product I did use two applications and the colour was absolutely gorgeous, it also lasted a lot longer nearly 2 weeks to be precise.

After trying this product if different ways I have decided I really like this brand and the finish of the tan and would like to try some more of their products. If any of you have tried this product please let me know how you got in in the comments

Lots of love

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