Saturday 14 March 2015

Beauty Tip of the day

Summer will be with us in a few months and well I don't know about you but I literally cannot wait! My tip to you is to keep make up to a minimal. Its just the worst when you have a full face of slap on the weather is hot and muggy and next thing you know your make up is halfway down your face.
Always keep your summer makeup minimal. Minimal and sheer makeup is the way to go when it’s hot and muggy outside. The best thing for summer months is to try a tinted moisturiser or if you want a little more coverage try a bb cream.

lots of love

Friday 13 March 2015

Beauty tip of the day

Don't you just hate it when your mascara gets clumpy! It happens to the best of us. You have that favourite mascara that you always wear and after a few weeks it starts to clump..... so you go and buy a new one. STOP! Put your purse away, well kind of all you need to invest in is some eye drops. Who would have thought it aye. Simply add two drops of eye drops into the mascara tube twist the wand around DO NOT pump as this will trap air in the tube and dry the mascara out which is not what you need. The eye drops will have a softening effect on the mascara, which means fresh mascara and stops you forking out a fortune on a new one!!

Lots of love


New rimmel nail varnish EEEEKKKK

So I found myself walking into Superdrug yesterday I just couldn't resist and OH MY I am so glad I did. Working in a health and beauty shop I know when things are going out and so I knew that rimmel were either changing their packaging or bringing out a new line, and lone behold  they have done both. After deliberating for about 15 minutes I finally brought 4 new colours and im literally in love.

The first 2 come from the Rita Ora collection. It took me ages to decide on these two as the whole collection is absolutely stunning. I will openly admit that I am a massive fan of Rita Ora so when I found out that she was doing a collection for rimmel in 2013 I was ecstatic and purchased almost all of her first collection simply because it was her, but this time I actually wanted to purchase them all because the colour selection is beautiful. Compared to the last collection I prefer the packaging on this one its adorable! it has the signature Rita Ora autograph on but this time it has cute white flowers with the colour in the centre of the flowers. With 12 shades in this collection they all have the usual  rimmel names i.e Oragina, port-aloo-blue and Rain rain go away are just a few to name. It has a new 3 in 1 technogoly which is meant to give up to 10 days lasting wear, this will be interesting to see when im back at work how it will hold up, most nail varnishes don't last one day for me. The application is smooth and you get a good coverage with one stroke but I personally prefer to apply 2 coats.
 Rain Rain Go Away


The second 2 come from a new little collection Sweetie Hearts. The pastel colours are so on trend and will look amazing in the summer especially with a nice tan. I am literally so hopeless because I didn't pay any attention to the packaging I was drawn to the colour I didn't notice that it was matte, so it was a nice surprise when I tried the colour on and it dried to a lovely velvet matte finish. They have 5 shades in this collection which are all AMAZING and are perfect for the spring/summer or even autumn/winter to brighten up them gloomy days. It dries super speedy which is perfect for when you haven't got much time and your in a rush. My only downfall is the application I found that it does go on a bit streaky and the colour in some places is really opaque but in others its not, from a distance you wouldn't be able to tell only when you look really close or know that it is like this.

You're Mine

Love Bug

Over all I really like the new colours and collections rimmel have produced and can't wait to get more and try them out with different outfits. The new packaging on the classic 2 rimmel nail varnish looks a lot better and more up market. They are absolute bargains so can't really skip a chance to grab a couple and try them out.

Lots of love


I've lost my M.A.C virginity!

So today I finally bit the bullet and brought some mac lipsticks. I've always just used my friends on nights out as to be completely honest with you I have never been able to bring myself to spend £15 odd on a lipstick when I can buy on trend colours for around £5. It has been hell walking past mac at least 10 times a day and seeing all the different colours its like they are calling my name! But NO I have always managed to resist until today. I'm a sucker for dark lipsticks and I just love a matte finish so when this little gem caught my eye I just had to make a purchase!

Its part of the Toledo collection and is a deep blood red with a matte finish. the colour pay off is amazing and it has a luxurious feel when on the lips and doesn't feel too drying which is always a bonus, my only problem was when applying straight to the lips I found it tugged a lot although when I used a brush it didn't, so would highly recommend using a lip brush to apply. You get a more even finish as well with a brush...... HOLLLAAAAA.

Having a bad habit of smoking and trying to find a lipstick that doesn't come off is a nightmare and I find myself using the lipstick with the staying power but there so drying. FINALLY I have found one where the product barely transfers which is all my prayers answered and even better I can drink without having to worry about reapplying my lipstick.

The packaging itself is sooo cute and being white it stands out from the rest of the of the usual mac products (another reason it caught my eye). I know you can get this colour in the normal range but if it wasn't for the fact they had placed it in this collection with the packaging I would not have realised and not have made this purchase... and would still have my M A C virginity ha-ha.

Being so impressed with this product I can say I definitely be making more purchases, I know that it is so pricey but is 100% worth the money. Now I understand all the fuss over mac and will be expanding my make up selection......not that I need to as I now seem to have enough to open a shop.

Lots of love


Vita Liberata


OMG I've been hearing such amazing things about this tan by passengers from all over the world and of all different ages so I thought I might try it. After doing some research into it it made me very excited as there was no negative feedback so I bit the bullet and brought it from boots seeing as it was on offer for £15. Everyone lovessss a discount!!
It arrived within a couple of days perfect I could try it for new year! Absolutely buzzing after reading it was odourless as I'm not a great fan of the biscuit smell. I got home and literally could not wait hopped in the shower and exfoliated again just to make sure I was prepared. I followed the easy to read and follow instructions and didn't moisturise got my mitt on went for it.
The application was smooth and went on well but I noticed if there was too much product it would make funny effect as though it was clogging together...... It's the only way I can explain that. The tint was perfect as it was just dark enough that you could see where you were applying as I have had tans in the past where the tint wasn't dark enough and I came out looking like a tiger. As for being odourless well what can I say. I was so disappointed as after about 20 mins of having the tan on I smelt like a biscuit..... It got noticeably stronger as the tan developed.
I left it on for about 12 hours as I really wanted to be dark.It looked to me the perfect colour,nice and brown just like I wanted.....until I jumped in the shower! I came out considerably lighter which was a shame but at least I know next time to apply another coat after I have showered.
I unfortunately suffer really bad open pores on my chest, most tans will sit in them leaving me really self conscious. I would find myself wearing high necked tops which completely defeated the object of tanning in the first place, It was wasted time I'd never get back. Halllleloooo I have finally found one that doesn't meaning I can tan and actually wear a low cut top without having to be worried or self conscious. It also wasn't streaky and didn't go patchy! And my knees and elbows were the same colour as everything else Praise the Lord!The tan lasted about 5 days before it started to come off which isn't too bad but the downfall is my legs and arms have become patchy as it comes off. But with daily showers and exfoliating I won't be like this for long.

I know I might have sounded a little negative but I had extremely high expectations as everyone has praised this so highly. Since New years and me first writing this blog I have tried this product a few more times and each time, I begin to like it more and more. The biscuit smell hasn't been as horrendous as that first time thank god. The last time I used this product I did use two applications and the colour was absolutely gorgeous, it also lasted a lot longer nearly 2 weeks to be precise.

After trying this product if different ways I have decided I really like this brand and the finish of the tan and would like to try some more of their products. If any of you have tried this product please let me know how you got in in the comments

Lots of love

Tuesday 10 March 2015

beauty tip of the day

To remove fake tan don't get an exfoliator and scrub to your hearts content as it will start to come off all patchy and leave you looking like you have a skin disease. The best thing to do is run a bath and fill it with a bath oil and soak your skin.The oil will soften the tan. Take the St. Tropez Tan Remover Mitt and work in circular motions around your body to encourage the tan to fade

lots of love


Maybelline Superstay 24hr review

I'm a massive Maybelline fan so was really excited when I brought these a few months ago and have managed to wear them a few time, unfortunately because I have been crazy busy I haven't been able to share what I thought of them until today. I've used a few of their superstay products before and absolutely loved them so was extremely excited to try my new two out.

prune plaisir.
2015/01/img_1786.jpgI'm actually in love with this one. It is part of their bold matte collection and the finish is gorgeous. In the tube the colour looks really purple which is what attracted me to it but when I applied it to my lips the purple colour had a pinkish tone to it, this did not bother me as it is another purple to add to my collection. The next time i wore this colour I applied one coat and then waited for it to dry and then applied a second coat to which the colour became more intense and looked like it does in the tube. This made me very happy as it gives me the versatility to wear it in different ways and with different outfits. The colour has a doe foot applicator which is great for applying the inner colour. I personally would unload some product on to the back of the hand first and use a brush to line the lip before using the applicator to apply to the lips. As you can see in this picture I have just applied the product using the doe foot applicator and the doing so I have ended with a wonky line. The colour is distributed evenly over the lip and the balm you apply after is super hydrating.

Tangerine pop.
This is part of the ultimate red range to which they do a lovely variety of reds with all different tones to them. The same as the prune plasir one it looks so different in the tube but unlike the prune plasir I am disappointed with this one. I love orangey red lip colours and with a name like tangerine pop and the colour you see in the tube you would think that is what it would be but no! Don't get me wrong I do like the colour and will still be wearing it but I just wish it was as vibrant as it looks in the tube. It has the doe foot applicator and like the others I think I will be unloading some on to the back of my hand and using with a brush make sure I have a nice line to which I will then fill in the colour using the applicator. My main problem I had with this one is one application doesn't give a great intensity, to get the coverage and intensity in the picture I had two applications. 

Overall I love the long wear of these products but they can be quiet drying if you don't apply the balm quiet frequently. I would recommend anyone who likes going out and partying this should be a complete must!! As its non transferable which is perfect as you don't have to worry about keep reapplying especially after a few drinks. What makes it even better is that you can by the balm seperate as well which saves you having to carry the long tube out and about with you!!
Let me know what you think of the products and what's your fav colours!

Lots of love


Brows Brows Brows

Omg I’m such a sucker for brows! I get massive brow envy on a daily basis and I love it when someone comments on mine!! I hate it though when people come in and there eyebrows are all over the place or there over plucked or even worse when it’s like they have painted them on with tar and they don’t move and there completely different colour to the hair oh my it makes me want to cry!
They say your eyes are the window to the world so that leaves you brows to be the frame, if you think about it they are! They frame you face and without them well it looks ridiculous  heres some images of celebrities without eyebrows but yet you can go too far with the eyebrows aswell i wouldnt recommend doing this! I am partial to big natural brow you just need to find the happy medium!


I have tried so many products I started with 1.Rimmel brow pencil which was perfect easy to use and perfectly priced for my teenage years. label brow powder I then moved on to using a powder which I brought from very it came with tweezers, brush, stencils 3 powder colours and a powdered highlighter. It was ok nothing great but it did the job. What made it annoying was the fact the medium brown was too light but the dark brown was far to dark. 3.Rimmel brow mascara this product was lovely but just wasn't for me unlike the pencil and the powder it doesn't fill in the gaps from over plucking and I did find it to give my lashes a slight shine which wasn't a bad thing. I ended up using the pencil first filling in and then use this product which worked rather nicely. 4.Soap and glory Archery in brownie points I was a tad scared at using this product at first and had heard such amazing thins about it but unfortunately this 100% wasn't for me. The pen tint part dried up quite quickly and the pencil was far too waxy although the colour was good. Was a shame as I had such high expectations.5.Sleek eyebrow pencil this pencil is gorgeous it applies smoothly and is so easy to use it twists up so you don't need to sharpen and it is designed in almost a triangle shape nib so you can really get lovely definition. The formula is soft and unlike most pencils does not pull the hairs. I brought this the same time as s&g archery and used this a hell of a lot more. 6.maybelline brow satin I had been seeing adverts for this for ages and as soon as it came out I made this purchase! It is by far the best and easiest brow product I have used and best of all its sooo natural looking. Firstly you use the pencil and with gentle strokes fill in the gaps and make your eyebrows a bit fuller then flip over and apply the powder! Simple!! I always get comments on my brows when I use this and I'm always asked if I have HD brows people look amazed when I say I don't! Best of all they have 4 colours which include mahogany red which you rarely ever get with drugstore brands, dark blonde, medium brown and dark brown.100% would recommend this to anyone!!

If you have tried any of these products or know of any other products which are amazing please let me know! I love trying new things specially when it comes to brows!

Lots of love


My life-savers

My two lifesavers I have with me everywhere I go in fact I have a few dotted around so there is always one close.

My first lifesaver is lush lip scrub in bubblegum flavour! Omg this product is to die for. As a lipstick lover having dried cracked lips is an absolute no no! So when I found this a few years back it was perfect, made my life so much easier saved me carrying around a toothbrush and looking a little bit like a nutter! It works amazingly removes all the dead skin leaving me with soft smooth lips and what makes it better is you can lick you lips and really taste the bubble-gum.

My second lifesaver is good old Vaseline can't really go wrong with having these in literally every room and bag! I use this for everything from my lips to my feet, I always seem to find something new every day that I can use it for! I use it at least once a week to make my feet soft and smooth as I'm stuck on my feet all day everyday it's like a little treat! I use it on any hard or dry skin I ever get and it works perfectly!

what are your two life savers/ must have items you cannot live without.

lots of love


Monday 9 March 2015

My Saviour!!

Winter has hit my lips hard what with the cold weather and for some strange reason the air con has been on at work . Dry cracked lips always sore it's been a killer. Empty Tubs of Vaseline and tubes of Carmex have been disposed of but yet unlike previous years these haven't helped one bit this year. It's been hell I haven't been able to wear lipstick which for me a lipstick lover has been hell. After making some purchases of Maybelline make up I got a free promotional baby lips Dr rescue.... And OH MY GOD it has been my saviour. Within a few days my lips were back to themselves. The best thing about these lip balms is the hint of colour they have to them which has led to me not having to always wear lipsticks.

I love the shine it leaves on my lips and I now understand why they are so popular, were constantly selling out at work. It's now my must have item that I carry on me all day everyday I cannot live without it. At such a cheap price and also being 3 for 2 at boots why not get your self a few!
Let me know what you think about them. I love hearing what others think.

Lots of love

Beauty tip of the day

Always use a base coat first top protect your nails! It stops the colour from staining them and it also will hold the colour on for longer and always finish with a top coat.... Just to keep that colour on for extra longer ☺️

Lots of love 


Sunday 8 March 2015

Beauty tip of the day 💡

You can make any of your lip colour matte even when there not. Amazing right and so simple. Perfect for changing up the finish of your favourite colour and just give that versatility! 

Simply apply your lipstick, blot with a tissue, then making sure you have a single ply tissue place on the lips and brush some TRANSLUCENT (I highlight this because you need a powder with no colour in) powder over the top of the tissue.........TAH DA your favourite lip colour made matte.

So simple and easy yet effective and non time consuming let me know how you all get on

Lots of love


Friday 6 March 2015

Thick and creamy

           If your after a thick creamy hydrating body moisturiser the smells divine.. look no further Soap and glorys body butters are to literally die for! With 6 different scents there's something for everyone.

The righteous butter- The most well known of the lot, winning loads of awards all the time and getting a lot of publicity. scented with the Original pink fragrance it is one for people of all ages.

Butter yourself- Fruity and fresh smelling body moisturiser containing exfoliating AHAs, orange waterjuice, shea butter, peppermint oil & fruitliquid fig. Scented with soap and glory's Fruitigo fragrance. something even men can use as long as they don't mind the pink packaging.

Orangeasm- We all love a good orangeasm with a name like this its something you cant really forget. it is super rich and has a lovely zesty scent. The most amazing thing about this butter is the Shea butter and mango milk massage balls which when applying explode giving an extra burst of hydration. 

Smoothie star- Luxurious, lightly whipped, super nourishing 5-oil deluxe body butter. I'm not overly keen on the scent of this one as I'm more of a fruity fan, the way I would describe this is breakfast maple syrup and coffee it is very popular though.

The Daily smooth- This is so hydrating and leaves the skin super soft containing rosehip seed oil and cocoa butter you can't go wrong. Fragranced with the mist you madly scent with is a musky fragrance.

Sugar crush- My absolute favourite it smells so good I want to eat it from the tub. moisture-extreme, re-energizing, sweet-lime scented body butter that leaves my skin super smooth. Bursting at the seams full of super hydrating ingredients such as Shea and cocoa butter, almond and coconut oil, and a super-refreshing triple whammy of lime oil, kiwi juice water, and smoothing lime tree blossom extract. It is so irresistible.

So whatever your favourite scent if you will always be left with super soft, smooth and hydrated skin. these are by far the best body butters I have ever tried what with their tongue and cheek names and quirky pictures they are well and truly memorable and once you have tried them you will never look back!

Cheeky little tip when you hop out the bath or shower apply the body butter straight away so it will also lock the water in for extra hydration.

Lots of love


Thursday 5 March 2015

All Hail the drag!

So after stumbling across Ru Pauls Drag race on Netflix recently I was hooked and couldn't pull myself away! I managed to watch 6 seasons in 2 weeks BAM! It has really opened my eyes to how hard it is for some people to be themselves and the crap they have to go through to be themselves....but I am so glad that it is now more acceptable in society for them.

I believe that you can learn a lot from drag queens specially when it comes to make up as theirs is most of the time FLAWLESS!! some of the tips are :
1-Don't look at make up as hiding flaws its meant to accentuate you best feature be FIERCE!
2-BLEND if not you can look a hot mess so Invest in the right tools....they will be your saviour!
3- Moisturize that thirsty skin! get into the habit of moisturising everyday the worst thing you can do is apply make up to dry skin! keep that canvas soft an hydrated. Even drinking plenty of water everyday will help.
4-Lining your eyes with white along the water line or dabbing shimmer in the corner instantly opens the eyes up making them look bigger and giving an appearance of being more awake.
5- Give the illusion of a plumper pout by applying a lighter lipstick onto the centre of the lips and blending outwards then seal with your favourite lip gloss ( This is my favourite tip)

Here's just a few of my favourite drag queens and why!

JUJUBEE. I absolutely loved jujube not only was she absolutely beautiful be she could also have a laugh. I was gutted that she didn't win was definitely my favourite and her make up was always so flawless and just to die for!

RAJA. the winner of season 3! there was just something that was different about her and I loved it. so quirky and always thought outside the box. She is stunning and would always look beautiful no matter how crazy her make up was. 

SHARON NEEDLES & ALASKA- They were the power couple but in 2013 they split up :( which was sad. I was routing for them both to win and Sharon did although Alaska came runner up. Sharon had a very strange style of drag and I didn't know what to think when I first saw her but she grew on me when she did the plastic surgery outfit was just brilliant. Alaska is just stunning honestly I don't know what to say because nothing will give her the justice she deserves. She proved that she was herself and could make a name for herself and not be known as sharons partner!!

ADORE DELANO- I love adore and would dieeeeee to look like her. I love her fashion sense its so fierce even though she might not have had the most expensive outfits she always looked Amazing! And her make up was always on point! She knows exactly how to accentuate the best features and oh my shes just sooo pretty!

So I think we can all say I am sooo jealous of all of these, but I'm going to use them as inspiration and try out different make up ideas inspired by all of these drag queens.i have a week off coming up and I cant wait to play around with my make up and see what happens. But I would highly recommend anyone who hasn't seen or heard of any of these to check them out!

Lots of love


the brush that changed my wings

Halleloo I have finally found a brush that is easy to use and control. It is literally an eyeliner brush for dummies. I had given up on cream, gel and liquid liners unless they came in a pen form as I found most bristle brushes would either always have them few stray bristles or my line wouldn't be perfectly straight so I would try and even it out and well this picture says it all really!

I've used real techniques brushes before so I know they are really good quality and have changed the way I apply my make up and its all for the better, but this is by my favourite. The silicon nib itself is just the perfect size and having the tapered tip you can get close to the lash line and also you can get right in to the corner. The flexibility is just right and just glides the product across the lid and ending at a lovely point. The only down fall is you do have to pick up more product as it only hold what you see on the nib but apart from that I cannot find anything wrong with it.

I have recently seen that no7 have brought one out that is similar but it is more expensive and it just doesn't look as great quality, I am intrigued to try it out though and compare the difference but I would 100% recommend this to people reading this as it had changed my life and made my wings a hell of a lot more even and less stressful to do!! Here's just a couple of pictures so you can see the finish it gives.

lots of love


Wednesday 4 March 2015

my must have skincare item

I am so awful when it comes to skincare.... literally hopeless!
There is always one thing I seem to have on me at all times and that is Liz Earle instant boost skin tonic spritzer. I have one literally everywhere which has helped me remember to cleanse twice a day and moisturise after which is pretty stupid but my skin is pretty good at the moment. That is not the reason why it is my must have item and I have them everywhere though. I love love love the fact that it comes in a spray bottle as its so easy to use and you wont use too much of it.

I am not one for floral botanical scents but this one is lovely and really relaxing which is perfect for my night time ritual and calms me down from all the days stresses. I use this product throughout the day as it gives my skin that perfect pick me up during the day, especially at work what with the drying effects from air conditioning. It has naturally active ingredients such as Aloe Vera to hydrate chamomile and cucumber to soothe and refresh  and a natural source of vitamin E.

This was my saviour during the summer having the hot weather and being stuck at work when the air con was broken just a spritz of this refreshed my skin and cooled me down. It was so hydrating which was just what I needed!

I would highly recommend this product 100% to anyone and definitely if your a frequent flyer as I know how drying to the skin that is.

lots of love


Oh myyyyyyy! Make up revolution

I So I recently took a trip to Superdrug which is meant to be a complete NO NO due to them being our biggest work competitor, but oh holy hell I wish I had gone in there earlier!! I had seen a few post about this brand make up revolution and seen really positive things but had never seen the price so I just assumed it was pricey..... To my amazement is unbelievably cheap!!!! I ended up getting 14 of there amazing lipsticks and when there £1 each can you really go wrong. The thing I love the most is that yes they have colours for everyday but they also have colours which you wouldn't wear everyday such as yellow and blue which is very Lime crimesq. There all very creamy and you get a lovely even application on the lips. 

I cant wait to get some more of the lip products they have and well in fact I cant wait to try all of there products, if they are as good as there amazing lipsticks I am going to be extremely excited and happy! I cant wait to experiment with this brands products and  try out different looks and styles.

Just a little tip before applying lipstick make sure you exfoliate I use Lush sugar lip scrub I will then apply a little bit of concealer on my lips as a base and then apply the lipstick. You can also make any lipstick you own matte by simply taking a tissue just a single ply placing on top of the lips and dabbing a little bit of translucent powder over the top and MAGIC you can have any colour matte lipstick!

lots of love
